
Latin name: Machaerium sceleroxylon

Other names: Caviuna striped, Santos Rosewood

Origin: South America

Color: Pinkish brown to dark reddish

Comment: Morado, also known as Pau Ferro, is an exotic wood native to South America, mainly Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. It is widely used in the manufacture of furniture, musical instruments and knives. The wood is known for its high density, hardness and rich, dark color, ranging from reddish brown to dark purple.

The name Morado comes from the Spanish word for "purple" and describes the characteristic color of the wood once it is cut and dried. Historically, Morado was used by the indigenous people of South America to make decorative objects and sculptures. Over time, the wood has become increasingly popular for its beauty and durability.

Because of its rarity and popularity, Morado is now protected under the International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) rules. This means that it is illegal to import or export Morado without a proper permit. However, thanks to sustainable harvesting and management practices, the wood is available in the trade in a responsible manner.

Morado is a popular choice for knife makers because of its hardness and stability. It is often used for knife handles because it offers a comfortable grip and good looks. Due to its high density, the wood can be difficult to work with, but this also makes it resistant to wear and warping. Morado knives are often considered high quality and durable collectibles.

In summary, Morado is an exotic South American wood known for its beauty, hardness and density. Although it is now protected under CITES regulations, it remains a popular choice for manufacturers of knives and other high quality products. With sustainable harvesting and management practices, Morado will continue to be available for future generations.

Morado exotic wood from South America

Morado block

Stock : 1
    Dim : 1254030 mm
Price €12.00

Morado block

Stock : 0 (Victime de son succès)
    Dim : 1254030 mm
Price €12.00