Stabilized alder

Scientific name: Alnus

Other name: Aune, Verne

Family: Betulaceae

Origin: Europe

Origin: Pinkish yellow with brown veins

Stabilized alder, whose Latin name is Alnus, is alder wood that has been treated with a stabilization process to enhance its strength and durability. Alder is a soft, light wood, generally light to light brown in color. It is often used in the manufacture of furniture, handicrafts and various joinery projects.

The process of stabilizing alder wood generally involves the use of resins under vacuum or pressure to penetrate the wood's pores. These resins then harden, filling the wood's voids and pores, making it stronger and more resistant to impact, moisture and wear.

The advantages of stabilized alder wood are as follows:

  • Moisture resistance: Stabilized alder wood is less sensitive to variations in humidity, making it less likely to warp, split or degrade in the presence of water.
  • Durability: The stabilization process improves the strength and durability of alder wood, extending its lifespan and reducing the risk of premature damage.
  • Aesthetics: Stabilized alder wood retains its natural characteristics, notably its light color and patterns, while being strengthened and protected.
  • Ease of working: Despite its greater strength, stabilized alder wood remains relatively easy to work with, making it a popular material with craftsmen.

Because of its improved strength properties and aesthetic appeal, stabilized alder wood is used in a variety of craft projects, including knife making, musical instrument handles, leather goods, ornaments and decorative objects. Its blend of lightness and strength makes it an attractive material for craftsmen wishing to combine natural beauty and reliability in their creations.

Stabilized Alder Burl - Made in France

Stabilized alder handle : made in France

Stock : 5
Natural Beauty: Stabilized alder burl is prized in fine cutlery for its natural beauty. This material has unique and rich patterns that add...
Price €17.00

Stabilized alder burl handle

Stock : 1
    Dim : 129356 mm
Price €28.80

Stabilized alder burl handle

Stock : 1
    Dim : 129356 mm
Price €28.80